A Look into Urban Bird Migration & What Role We Play

A Look into Urban Bird Migration & What Role We Play

A Look into Urban Bird Migration & What Role We Play


Thursday, August 26, 2021


via ZOOM





An overview of birdlife found throughout the seasons in our area with a special focus on migration. Learn how birds follow natural landmarks such as the Des Plaines River. Learn about important conservation theories for preserving migrating birds, how birds follow natural landmarks, and where and when to find migrants. Ways you can help in the large-scale conservation of migrating birds will be presented, as well.

Henry Griffin has been admiring our feathered friends since the age of 12 and founded Oak Park Bird Walks, in 2014 at age 14. The organization has since raised thousands of dollars for conservation groups around the world. Henry has a bird life list of 1126 species and is always looking to add a new one!

Register at the Riverside Public Library website. You will be sent a link to the presentation after you register.