
Scottswood Commons – Fall Clean-up

The FLOS landscape committee was hard at work on Saturday, October 3rd, 2009. Along with Riverside forester, Mike Collins, 8 adults & 13 eager kids set to work in Scottswood Commons. We tidied up two large beds by removing weeds & set down mulch to one of them. Weeds removed include Buckthorn, Grape Vine, Pokeweed & Green Ash. These are invasive species that tend to grow quickly & can choke out native plants. By removing these, we hope the existing plants including Wild Plum, Oaks, Elms, Prairie Rose, among others will flourish. By spreading down a minimum of 6 inches of mulch, we hope to choke out weeds that will try to emerge in the spring. Please join us for our next workday at 9am on Saturday, October 24th at the Longcommon & Downing triangle. Again, we will be weeding & mulching.