
The Great Garlic Mustard Pull

On Saturday, May 9th, the area around Scout Cabin was full of girls scouts and other volunteers who removed 59 large black garbage bags of invasive, dreaded garlic mustard. Thanks to the 36 volunteers,
including 12 girl scouts and 2 adults from the 6th grade Hauser Girl Scout troop #41020. Many thanks to all our volunteers!

FLOS partners with the Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership (NIIPP) for this event.

Garlic mustard is an invasive plant that was brought over to the United States by European settlers as an herb. Unfortunately, with none of its native competitors present, garlic mustard has spread virtually unchecked across the county and can be found in more than 30 states as well as parts of Canada. Not only do these invasive weeds choke out native wildflowers, out-competing them for space and sunlight, but they also excrete chemicals through their roots further preventing wildflower growth.

Sapling growth is similarly limited by monocultures of garlic mustard. Garlic mustard and other invasive species poses a serious threat to the biodiversity and overall quality of beloved natural areas. Thanks to all for braving the weather to join us for this event!

Watch this 14 minute video to learn how to identify & control this invasive plant which is so damaging to our forest ecosystems:

Documentary on garlic mustard

See what happened at the Great Garlic Mustard Challenge on April 16th!