

Join The Frederick Law Olmsted Society! If you are already a member, visit our renewal page. If not, become one of us who care about our unique historic community! Your support will help promote the preservation and progress of Riverside, educate the residents in the history and significance of the Village, and support active involvement in its problems and needs.

If you would simply like to make a donation to the Olmsted Society, you may use the PAYPAL DONATE button below:

Thank you. Riverside is delighted to have your support!

Your membership covers the current calendar year (January 1st through December 31st) and includes immediate family members living in your household. It entitles you to participate in the Society’s functions free of charge or at discounted prices, reimbursements in the co-op tree planting program, and the quarterly newsletters. For 2025, members at a Sugar Maple level will also receive 2 complimentary tickets to our Historic Walking Tours. At a Mighty Oak level, members will receive 4 complimentary tickets to our Historic Walking Tours.

Memberships are available in four categories:

* Reliable Redbud $35
* Hearty Hickory $50
* Sugar Maple $125

* Mighty Oak $250

Our budget is carefully and frugally designed to assure your money is spent responsibly and on activities that directly benefit Riverside.

In addition to your membership donation, we invite you to become actively involved in one of the Society’s committees:

  • Architecture — Recognizes outstanding efforts in preservation with annual Architecture Awards, sponsors lectures on architecture and historic preservation, and works with the Housewalk Committee to plan the bi-annual Riverside Housewalk.
  • Education and Tours — Provides guided walking tours of Riverside at 2 PM on the last Sunday of the month (May through October) and group tours by special arrangement, sponsors lectures and tours for students in Riverside schools; funds special projects related to botany and landscaping.
  • Housewalk — Plans the bi-annual housewalk, which includes developing a theme, identifying potential homes, working with homeowners, researching homes and training docents.
  • Landscape — Helps maintain Riverside parks, works with community groups to enhance riverfront, sponsors Olmsted portion of the co-op tree-planting program and provides landscape tours.
  • Library — Locates and purchases books on/by Frederick Law Olmsted, architecture and landscaping for contribution to the Olmsted Collection at the Riverside Public Library.
  • Membership — Recruits members, maintains membership listing, communicates with members regarding Society’s activities.
  • Newsletter — Collects and writes articles, contributes photographs and ideas, edits and prints the quarterly newsletter.
  • Public Relations — Communicates with media and general public.
  • Website — Builds and maintains the Society’s website.

You can join or renew online, or, if you prefer, you can fill out the membership application and mail it along with your tax-deductible check (payable to The Frederick Law Olmsted Society) to:

Frederick Law Olmsted Society
P.O. Box 65
Riverside, Illinois 60546

Please, provide us with your e-mail address, so we can further save money and trees on mailing our information to you gro.yteicosdetsmlonull@pihsrebmem.

— The Membership Committee of the Frederick Law Olmsted Society

(All new Riverside residents receive a complimentary, one-year membership!)