Annual Meeting January 20, 2023
Friday January 20, 2023
Riverside Train Station
To kick off 2023, we held our Annual Meeting on Friday, January 20, 7:00 PM, at the Riverside Train Station.
As an order of business, new officers and board members were elected.
President – Dr. Yvonne Lucero
Vice President – Jim Petrzilka
Secretary – Susan Worthington
Treasurer – Kim Freeark
Renewing Board Members:
Trisha and David Flassing
Kim Freeark
Constance and Thomas Guardi
Cathy and Mike Maloney
Tim Ozga
Susan Worthington
New Board Members for 2023:
Richard Marritt and Steve Oldham
Following the election of new Officers and the business portion of the meeting, Serge Ambrose and Michelangelo Sabatino presented Modern Again! The Benda House & Garden in Riverside, 1938-2022 at the FLOS Annual Meeting. Ambrose and Sabatino, co-owners of the Benda House, shared their journey of preservation and perseverance in bringing back the original atmosphere of an International Style house. Their addition of a new landscape garden re-establishes the relationship between nature and modern architecture while extending Olmsted and Vaux’s vision for Riverside.