Annual Meeting January 20, 2023

FLOS Annual Meeting 2023

FLOS Annual Meeting 2023

Friday January 20, 2023


Riverside Train Station





To kick off 2023, we held our Annual Meeting on Friday, January 20, 7:00 PM, at the Riverside Train Station.

As an order of business, new officers and board members were elected.

President – Dr. Yvonne Lucero
Vice President – Jim Petrzilka
Secretary – Susan Worthington
Treasurer – Kim Freeark

Renewing Board Members:
Trisha and David Flassing
Kim Freeark
Constance and Thomas Guardi
Cathy and Mike Maloney
Tim Ozga
Susan Worthington

New Board Members for 2023:
Richard Marritt and Steve Oldham

Following the election of new Officers and the business portion of the meeting, Serge Ambrose and Michelangelo Sabatino presented Modern Again! The Benda House & Garden in Riverside, 1938-2022 at the FLOS Annual Meeting. Ambrose and Sabatino, co-owners of the Benda House, shared their journey of preservation and perseverance in bringing back the original atmosphere of an International Style house. Their addition of a new landscape garden re-establishes the relationship between nature and modern architecture while extending Olmsted and Vaux’s vision for Riverside.