
Workdays – Summer Sum UP with Pics!

Two very large beds in the Longcommon/Downey triangle were mulched by our volunters on Saturday, July30th. We were joined by two boy scouts from different troops in Riverside.

On August 13, 2015, FLOS Volunteers and the Village Forester continued their
work along the riverbank on Riverside Road. With a view of the river, you
can see the river and spot canoers. Butterflies abound. Our native grasses
and sedges continue to spread and keep out invasive species.

A longtime dream for our Village Forester, Michael Collins, came true at our
landscape workday on Saturday, August 27th. Sightlines were opened up at
the corner of Longcommon and Downey and at the corner of Downey and Evelyn.
Our volunteers helped clean and prepare two large invasive species filled
beds to become areas of turf. Once the beds were cleaned and fill dirt
added, both beds were seeded.

Saturday, September 10th, was the Landscape Workday volunteer’s day to plant
grasses and sedges along the riverbank close to Olmstead Road. We planted
20 flats of side oats grama, common oak sedge, straight style wood sedge,
long-beaked sedge, silky wild rye and little bluestem.
Some were planted in the shade, some along the sunny slope and some close to
the water. We’re excited about seeing them fill in next year and protecting
the riverbank.