Jazz Age Modern: Riverside’s Art Deco & Art Moderne Houses
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
via ZOOM
Riverside is known for its many Victorian, Arts & Crafts and Prairie Style homes, but there were number of Art Deco and Art Moderne houses built in the community from the 1920’s to the 1940’s. These modern styles have a sleek “machine age” aesthetic that, in the context of Riverside’s rural atmosphere and traditional architectural styles, makes the appearance of these houses even more dramatic. For the first time, flat roofs and terraces replaced gables and porches. Glass block walls and corner windows were new innovations. With the emergence of the automobile as a status symbol, the garage was given a prominent place on the front of the house. The Art Deco and Art Moderne homes of Riverside represent a striking departure from previous architectural styles and the village boasts several interesting examples.
In collaboration with FLOS, student researchers Pauline Hong, Fotini Kaim and Marcus Levigne from the Urban Studies Program at the University of Illinois – Chicago conducted a study of Art Deco and Art Moderne buildings in Riverside. In an informative and illustrated presentation, Hong, Kain and Levigne share their findings about these distinctive “modern” homes in Riverside.
LINK to the ZOOM presentation: