FLOS Workdays – Spring into Action!
The last two workdays for the FLOS Landscape Committee have been along busy
roads in our Village.
On May 13th we cleared brush, invasive plants and trash from Harrington
Park along Harlem Avenue. We filled three truckloads with debris.
June 3rd brought us to Patriot’s Park, along 26th Street, where we removed
hundreds of thistle and burdock weeds and mulched a small area along 26th
We removed thistle from the rose and geranium flower bed along Parkway.
Mulch was put down under the Hawthorne Trees along Parkway.
A special thank you to Village Forester, Michael Collins and the Public
Works staff for being our partner.
- Flower Bed Before
- Flower Bed After
- Hauling Away
- Hawthorne After
- Hawthorne Before