
Annual Meeting January 22, 2016

James Patchett

Annual Meeting Speaker James Patchett

Friday January 22, 2016


Riverside Library Great Room





On Friday, January 22, 2016, at 7pm, at the Riverside Public Library the Olmsted Society hosted their Annual Meeting. As a highlight of the evening, Peter Boutsikakis, was honored with the Olmsted Spirit Award for his leadership in The Frederick Law Olmsted Society Education and Design Program’s HopStop 2015,a collaborative program educating the community on local plants, foods, and beverages including the HopStop craft beer festival in the landmark Riverside Train Station.

Peter Boutsikakis of Riverside Foods was a driving force behind HopStop and his vision and contacts in the craft brewing community were essential to the success of the event. Peter coordinated a home brewing demonstration during HopStop using Hops grown in Riverside by Joe Dvorak and Riverside elderberry. The resulting brew was served at the Riverside Holiday Stroll and proved that Peter knows what he is doing and Riverside has good soil. The Olmsted Society raised funds via ticket sales combined with donated or reduced prices on goods and services. We have our sights on September 17, 2016, for the second HopStop and those interested in volunteering to assist with HopStop should contact Rob Dixon, Peter, or Tom Guardi.

2016 Board Election Results:

President Rob Dixon
Vice-President Abby Randall
Secretary Janice O’Flaherty
Treasurer Thomas Guardi

Renewal with a three year term Board Members:
Yvonne Lucero&Jim Harrington
Mary & Bill Judy
Holly Machina & Jason Kinnan
Anthony & Phyllis Pecelunas

New Board members:
Janice O’Flahtery
Michelle Roblee
Dr. Michelangelo Sabatino

Our special guest speaker was James Patchett, Founder and President, Conservation Design Forum. His presentation focused on green infrastructure and how it can benefit suburban towns like Riverside. A longtime leader in the sustainability field, James Patchett took us through innovative techniques that have been proven to improve flood control, enhance water quality and habitat, and beautify the landscape. Using examples from across the country, Patchett will showcase communities that have successfully implemented complete green streets, green roofs, porous pavement, and drought-tolerant planting.

The entire presentation can be viewed on YouTube: CLICK TO WATCH James Patchett

Considered one of the innovators in melding art, science and engineering in design, James Patchett, FASLA, LEED AP, founded Conservation Design Forum in 1994, with offices in Elmhurst, Ill., and Ann Arbor, Mich. Jim is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading pioneers in the design and promotion of sustainable site planning methodologies that integrate innovative water resource management and ecological restoration measures into built and natural environments. Trained both as a landscape architect and hydrologist, Jim has served on a variety of national technical advisory committees including the ASLA Sustainable Sites initiative and is a highly sought out speaker and educator on the subject.

Patchett is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects and a LEED Accredited Professional. Conservation Design Forum received the Natural Leader Award from the Chicago chapter of the U.S. Green Building Council in 2008.