This is Riverside, Where Nature’s Always Found

by: Emily K, Ames Elementary, 4th grade

This is Riverside, Where Nature’s Always Found

Swish, Splash
A Great Red Heron Dips into the Swamp
There are only Animals here
This is Riverside
Where Nature’s always found

Sling, Ping
A Native American releases an Arrow at a Deer
These were the First People here
This is Riverside
Where Nature’s always found

Crackle, Pop
The fire in the Log Cabin crackles
The River flows nearby
These were the first Europeans here
This is Riverside
Where Nature’s always found

Clip, Clop
A Horse and Carriage pass Trees as they Actuate down the Cobble streets
Riverside is now a City
This is Riverside
Where Nature’s always found

Cars pass
Deer prance
As Herons fly and dip in the river
This is Riverside
Where Nature’s always found