Whereas both Riverside, Illinois, designed in 1869, and Druid Hills, in Atlanta, Georgia, designed in 1893, recognize their good fortune to be living in the first and the last suburban residential communities to benefit from the innovative and naturalistic landscape plans of Frederick Law Olmsted, known as the father of American Landscape Architecture; and

Whereas they share the goal of being responsible stewards of the public lands, parks, curvilinear roads and opportunities for healthful recreation laid out in Olmsted’s plans; and

Whereas both Riverside and Druid Hills have local organizations dedicated to sustaining Olmsted’s visionary plans for generations to come, guided by his concern for humanity, his love of nature, and his sense of community; and

Whereas this common interest and dedication can be greatly enhanced by sharing information, ideas, and important milestones, such as the Bicentennial of Olmsted’s birth in 2022; and

Whereas both Riverside and Druid Hills invite residents and visitors to join in learning about our communities, protecting our environment, and preserving our cultural and physical heritage;

Therefore Be It Now Resolved that the Frederick Law Olmsted Society of Riverside and the Druid Hills Civic Association (and the Olmsted Linear Park Alliance) hereby acknowledge and celebrate their mutual bond and their joint commitment to fostering a partnership of mutual benefit.