Saturday, April 30, 2011

Please join Olmsted Society member and Master Steward of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, John Kolar, on a guided nature walk of Zoo Woods. Two different walks are available on April 30:

  • 11:15 AM to 11:45 AM — 1/2 hour walk designed specifically for children in terms of time and content (parents welcome).
  • Noon to 2:00 PM — Two hour walk (children welcome)

Admission is free and snacks are provided

DIRECTIONS: Zoo Woods is located just south of 31st Street and just east of 1st Avenue. The parking lot is “U” shaped with two entrances off of 1st Avenue. Please park at the northern end of the parking lot.

This area, and Waubansee Preserve, were once owned by the Riverside Improvement Company, and was never fully developed prior to the company’s bankruptcy and the subsequent acquisition by the county for incorporation into the Des Plaines River corridor. Both contain remnants of the pre-settlement flora and fauna of the region and, thanks to the hard work of the Riverside Brookfield High School Ecology Club, the Brookfield Zoo, the Natural Gardens and the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, are well on their way to full restoration of the richness and diversity of the northern Illinois landscape. Much of the work and many of the tools and resources used came from the Olmsted Society’s generous support of the Ecology Club.

For questions about the Guided Nature Walks or to be added to the Landscape Committee e-list, please contact Landscape Committee Co-Chairs, Holly Machina or Cindy Kellogg at gro.yteicosdetsmlonull@epacsdnal or 447-0226.